What To Do If Your Rep Didn't Receive Your Purchase Order
Because we automatically have the box checked that sends a copy of the Purchase Order to the person that is submitting the order, you should have a copy of the order in your inbox.
If you have a copy of the order but your rep says they didn’t receive it:
Forward them your copy and have them confirm that they receive the copy of the order, so they can process your order.
Make sure your reps know your orders will be coming from “orders@partender.com” - your rep may need to whitelist this email and add them to his/her contacts.
Often times larger national companies will have strict firewall settings that might mark certain emails as spam or auto-archive them. Please loop in your rep with support@partender.com, so we can get more information about your rep's IT Team and mail client used.
If you didn’t receive your copy of the order:
First, if you’re on a deadline, download a copy of the order from the web portal and this downloaded file to your rep - it has all the information your rep needs to place your order. You can download Purchase Orders by opening up the order and clicking the Download icon in the top right corner of the Order.
Email support@partender.com with your establishment name, the username used to submit the orders, the Invoice number and distributor, and the time you submitted the order. We’ll help you troubleshoot the issue and ensure it doesn’t happen again.